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Lesson 4

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Last lesson we learned....

  • Basic rules for syllables:
    • Each syllable begins with a consonant.
    • Must include only one vowel.
    • May be an open syllable (ending in a vowel), or a closed syllable (ending in a consonant.)
    • If the last letter of a word is a consonant, the final syllable is closed.
  • Use of alef, heh, vav and yod as matres lectionis.
    • Yod usually for I-Type or E-Type vowels.
    • Vav usually for U-Type or O-Type vowels.
    • Alef and heh, usually for open vowels, but heh is only used this way for the last letter of a word.
  • New words: LeV, BaVeL, and LeVah.

Memorize four new letters: kaf, nun, shin, tav

In addition to Dagesh Lene, there's another type of dagesh called the Dagesh Forte.

lesson_4.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/28 10:02 by jeffd