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Niqqud (Vowel Pointing)
Introduced in Lesson 5
I use a memory device like: There's a single dot on an i, eggs in a carton, draw the line, over o, and oo under u.
Shortest (or No) Vowel
This is called the shewa and when it makes a sound, it is a shewa na and sounds like the “u” in upon.
When it is at the end of a closed syllable, however, it is called a shewa nakh, isn't considered a vowel, and doesn't make any sound.
בִ בִי
This is called the ħiriq and it makes a sound like the “ee” in seed.
It can also be followed by a yod which is present as a matre lectionis.
אֱ בֶ בֵ בֵי
The three dots arranged like a grape bunch are called segol and sound like the “e” in red.
The five dots, a segol with a shewa next to it, are called hataf segol and sound like the “e” in metallic, and only normally occurs on guttural letters or yod.
The two dots side-by-side are called tsere and sounds like the “ey” in grey. It can also be followed by a yod which is present as a matre lectionis.
אֲ בַ בַא בַה בָ בָא בָה
The horizontal line is called pataħ, and sounds like the “a” in lather.
The pataħ with a shewa next to it is called a ħataf pataħ and is usually found on |guttural letters. It makes the same ““a” sound.
The line with a teardrop under it or “T” shape is called a qamatz and usually sounds like the “a” in father.
Either of these vowels may be followed by either an alef (anywhere) or a heh (end of the word only) where they are acting as matres lectionis.
אֳ בׇ בֹ בוֹ
The dot over the left side of the letter is called holam, and makes the sound of an “o” as in “code.”
The dot over the vav is a matre lectionis called a holam vav, and makes the same sound.
The qamatz ħatuf make an “o” sound as in token.
The line with a teardrop or “T” shape with a shewa next to it is called hataf qamatz, and makes an “au” sound as in bauble. It usually appears under gutturals, but can occasionally appear under other letters.
בֻ בוּ
The three diagonal dots are called qubbutz and sound like the “u” in rude.
The vav with a dot in the middle is another matre lectionis called shuruq and makes the same “u” sound. Remember, a dot over the vav's head is oh, “over”, but a dot in its middle, like it has been punched in the gut makes the “oof” sound.