====== SF Code ====== SF (Stefano) is our language for writing scenes. Using a simple set of rules, it mimics the way a standard screenplay is written. This isn't the only language you should use while writing a game using Ghostwood, but it is the language we recommend for writing the Scenes of Action and Dialogue between characters. See: [[SF Code Syntax]] ----- When SF Code is processed one of the primary tasks of the processor is to identify Locations and Characters. INT. "JOE'S BAR"/KITCHEN (1920) - NIGHT (LATER) EXT. LUMBERDALE HIGH SCHOOL/FOOTBALL FIELD - DAY When a slash is used, it divides a primary location from a sub area which is part of or within the main area. Once the main area hsa been established, you can use sub-headers (without INT. or EXT.) to transition to other sub-areas within the same main area as part of the same scene.