====== Actors ====== An [[Actors|Actor]] is a collection of available renderings which are intended to fully represent a Character (at a particular age) throughout the normal course of a story. [[Actors]] are analogous to real life Actors, and can be hired to perform in multiple [[Story|Stories]] being told using the same Game Engine, acting in either the same (recurring) or different roles. Each Actor has an associated [[Actor Art Styles|Art Style]], such as [[Photographic Actors]], [[Realistic 3D Style Actors]] or [[Anime Style Actors]], or [[Chibi Style Actors]]. [[Default Costume|Default Costumes]] ===== Model (Definition) ===== A [[Model]] is a Specific Actor in a Specific Costume. Many more detailed options ([[Stance]]/[[Pose]] and [[Activity]]) may further refine which rendered image is used in a given situation, but each Model occupies one Folder in the filesystem, and the Game Engine will never switch from one Model to another Model when a particular image is missing. ===== Stances, Poses & Activities ===== There are two [[Stance|Stances]] and each stance has five [[Pose|Poses]], making ten possible poses altogether. There are three [[Activity|Activities]]. ===== Costumes and Emotive Expressions or Other Activities ===== Each [[Actor]] is limited to a certain set of [[Costume|Costumes]] and [[Activity|Activities]] which have been rendered for him or her. ===== Characters and Stories ===== A [[Character]] can be thought of as an [[Actor]] that has been hired to perform a specific role in this particular [[Story]]. This role has a [[Character Name|Name]] attached to it, which is always the name used to refer to that Character in the script (but not necessarily the name used in the Dialogue.) ---- [[Game Engine Details]]